~Spotlight: The Leprechaun Delusion by Dr. Leviak B. Kelly and Idav Kelly~


In the years between 2004 and 2006 of our current calendar, a social movement among atheists rose to popularity across the world. At first many atheists around the world, particularly the anti-theists, were overjoyed at the new movement that eventually became known as the New Atheist movement or simply New Atheism.

Then as the years went by, the atheists around the world began to see the growing suppressed and repressed inherent anger in the rally cries of the spokesmen of this movement. Yet the general populace of discontent and disenfranchised middle class males and a smaller amount of people of various descriptions seemed to find their niche in the movement.

The movement became a voice for those that were looking for meaning outside churches, mosques, synagogues and temples. New Atheism resonated with the frustrations and other issues that harboured, both knowingly and unknowingly, within these individuals. Groups on social media of these devoted followers began to hold events and establish various internet media into “their” voice.

This was their chance to change and inform the world. It was their chance to vent their frustrations on religion, especially monotheism. However, they did not critique religion, they lambasted it with the mockery and ridicule that gave rise to other atheists and religious followers to mark their obvious fundamentalism.

Their vision, however, was not just skewed by psychological issues but by a blindness of their own “enlightened” intellect. They failed to see that religion was more than monotheism. They failed to use the very science they claim to rally around to search out the environment they were getting stuck in by manipulation. So centered are they on their pot of gold that they do not realize that they have been hoodwinked into a new religion, by both a sociological standardized cult definition and by self-identification from its founders.

In their desire to right the wrongs and bring a multiplicity of light to bear on religion, they have followed a carefully crafted set of mythic leprechauns, the founders, through a rainbow of logical fallacies and ignorance, to a pot of iron pyrite. They have, like many, been lead into the end of St. Elsewhere, trapped in a snowglobe environment called the Leprechaun Delusion.


Okay, let's be honest - no one really likes the New Atheists except for the New Atheists. They're rude, abrasive, obnoxious, they get in your face, they write books like "Manual for Creating Atheists". This book says what we're all thinking: New Atheism is just another fundamentalist religion. What the New Atheists generally argue is that they aren't religious because they don't do anything that's really all that harmful, but this book proves that statement wrong: The New Atheists DO do harmful things - like ridicule, which causes violence, or like racism, or sexism, or advocating thousands of people being killed just because they're scary muslims. Some of the things the "Four Horseman" said were so bad that I had to look up the citations to make sure the author wasn't making things up. The saddest part was that the author *was not* making any of this up - Sam Harris really suggested that people of color might be less intelligent, and Christopher Hitchens really did advocated that all of Turkey could be blown to smithereens without shedding a tear; all of them made similar infractions to these and more, Richard Dawkins calls Yahweh infanticidal, and then later says that infanticide of Down Syndrome children is acceptable? And then on top of that, all of them are pushing for communism. You'd think they'd have learned something from the past century.

All in all, great book. It revealed a lot about New Atheism that I didn't know before.

5 star review by James Landon

Where you can find Leprechaun Delusion:

Amazon:  http://www.amazon.com/Leprechaun-Delusion-Revealing-Religion-Atheism-ebook/dp/B00Z8QWX1K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1456521694&sr=8-1&keywords=the+leprechaun+delusion

Barnes and Noble:  http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-leprechaun-delusion-dr-leviak-b-kelly-dd/1122370792?ean=9781512318135

Where you can find Idav:

Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14188907.Idav_Kelly

Twitter:  http://twitter.com/alixetiir

Website:  http://skeletonscomic.blogspot.com/

Tumblr:  http://alixetiir.tumblr.com/

Where you can find Leviak: 

Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/35027587-leviak-kelly

Twitter:  http://twitter.com/veritasubique

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/Leviak-B-Kelly-Doctorate-of-Divinity-836941823058244

Interview with Idav:  

1.  What prompted you to write your book?

I saw the problems with the New Atheist movement, and I don't believe that just because I'm not religious that I have to 'side' with them.

2.  What do you hope the publishing of your book to accomplish?

I'm hoping to reduce the number of people who want to ridicule people for their belief systems, especially when those people are falling into their own trap.

3.  What would you like your readers to know about you?

I tend to avoid sticking to one side or the other on partisan issues, which, in a way, is part of the motivation for writing my book. I don't believe anyone is above criticism if they're not telling the truth.

4.  Who are your favorite authors and why?

Well, definitely Carl Sagan. He knew how to be spiritual. I also like a variety of fiction authors, but Edgar Allan Poe is still one of my favorites because his horror stories are so sophisticated. If you check out my Goodreads page, you'll also see a few web cartoonists who I like because they were funny and also inspired me to write my own comic.

5.  If you could meet one celebrity, who would it be and why?

Strangely enough, I'd probably want to meet Megyn Kelly, the reporter, because I think we'd see eye-to-eye on a lot of issues and I like her attitude. When people interview her offstage, she's not the ultra-conservative that she's been painted as.

6.  If you could give me one piece of advice about life, what would it be?

Keep working even when things seem bad. Studies show that perseverance is the most correlated trait with success.