Everything I Needed To Know I Learned In Hell by Dan Balestrero


Everything I Needed to Know I Learned in Hell is a compilation of things I've learned about succeeding and failing - in life and business - while teaching. Teaching leads to a lot of revelations, laughter, tears, disbelief, theater of the absurd, the occasional miracle, and, more often than not, exciting progress.

It's important to point out that I'm an observer of behavior, not a therapist. Having said that, the reason I wrote this book is I felt a need to put down some thoughts from my personal point of view about how to work through limitations and move on to full success. Anthony Robbins is right, "Success leaves clues."

And just as importantly, failure also leaves clues. Or, more directly, it leaves a trail - usually an icky trail- of bad choices executed with no plan and way too much false hope.

We all have our own self-doubts and small hell that we have to escape from in order to succeed. Over the years, I've seen different people succeed and fail, and I've made notes about the causes and traits that seem to create those two outcomes. I've tried to offer encouragement to the people I've worked with, and I've laughed and cried with many in an effort to discover how to escape personal demons and model the success of others. Other people's success can be inspiring, and sometimes totally annoying, as we try to figure out, "Why not me?"

Everything I Needed to Know I Learned in Hell is about the things that have helped me and others escape our private hells. I offer this information in the hope that it might be of some help to you. Even given the difficulty of life, everyone- I mean everyone- can escape. This book contains my personal view of how the mountains of shit can be used to fertilize your orchard of success.

Where you can find Everything I Needed To Know I Learned In Hell:



Where you can find Dan:
