Seeing The Big In The Small

There are many things that make life worth living. One of those things is seeing the big in the small.

Noticing The Big In The Small

When you look at a tree, do you only see a tree? Or do you see a living being, a life-giving gift? A beautiful creation of colors in various shades and hues?

I am convinced that when you see the big in the small, or the extraordinary in the ordinary, you will experience life in much richer ways.

For example, when you see a cat, what do you see? Something with color that meows? Maybe a bit more...something soft and fluffy? Something that makes cute noises and likes to cuddle? Perhaps a companion? A friend?

The more you see in what is considered normal, the more interest and experience and depth open up. Even for something inanimate. Like a sink. Most of us go to the sink and turn on the water. We don't think much about the process. But if you stop and ponder upon sinks and water and all of the pipes that combine to bring us our much needed resource, our awakening opens. How the water is pumped through all of those pipes and brought to us and then heated for our quite amazing! The technology of it all and the cleanup in the water facilities afterward to enable the water to continue to be used is lengthy and somewhat complicated. It is designed by human ingenuity! The engineers who have come up with the process and educated people as to how to build everything to exact specifications is nothing short of amazing! And we have this resource to use every minute of every day if we wish!

So much of life is this way; seemingly simple but so much more to the story. Some of us have more conveniences and blessings than others. Many times those with less are so very appreciative for the little they have! They are able to see the big in the small.

What a gift for us to be able to cultivate this concept in our lives. To see the big in the small. To appreciate the untold or unnoticed portions of life. The cultivation of this concept makes us richer right where we stand! Without owning anything more! Just to simply behold more understanding of the story around you! Try to begin noticing the big in the small today and watch the amazing ways in which it will broaden your outlook! It will definitely bring more blessings into your life!