~My newest creation: Find Something To Laugh About!~

Find Something To Laugh About by Diamante Lavendar

Life happens. It happens to all of us whether we're ready or not....kind of like playing hide and seek! We can try to hide, but life will seek us and hunt us down, taking us along for the ride!

My newest creation speaks of maintaining a sense of humor through it all. It's easy to have humor on good days. But it's also very important to have humor on bad days as well. Humor actually helps us through hardship and is essential in our well being.

This is a concept I've learned the hard way. Some of you know my story. Others of you aren't familiar with it. I wrote a book about it entitled Breaking The Silence. Through my life, I've learned that humor is a necessary element in healing and staying happy.

Please feel free to come back and visit again to read my quote. Or save it to your computer. I'd love to have it inspire you at times when you really need it.

Blessings, Diamante